2009 Northeast Ohio Environmental Awards
The Biodiversity Alliance and Dominion are proud to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2009 Northeast Ohio Environmental Awards. The awards program recognizes and honors the outstanding achievements of organizations, businesses and individuals in a wide range of environmental initiatives throughout the region and pays tribute to those that have demonstrated a commitment to environmental excellence, leadership and accomplishment in their respective fields.
Awards categories are:
Primary/Secondary Education
Higher Education
The awards are open to any group, program, organization, business or individual located and working in Northeast Ohio. Nominations can be made by the person or persons involved in the activity or by a third party and must address activities or initiatives that were in place in 2008. Successful nominees will demonstrate some measure of results achieved and/or impact of the activities. All nominations will be evaluated by an independent panel of judges.
All finalists will be honored at an awards ceremony to be held at The Cleveland Museum of Natural History on Friday, October 2, 2009. Award winners will be presented with a plaque and a cash award of $2,500 during the ceremony.
For more information or to download a submission form please visit Biodiversity Alliance

Crain's Emerald Awards
The Crain’s Cleveland Business Emerald Awards recognize Northeast Ohio companies that have implemented sustainable strategic priorities which significantly trim costs or increase cash flow with innovations and products that reduce its environmental footprint.
This program defines sustainability as the commercialization or adaptation of processes and products which are both feasible, economical and make a positive impact on the triple bottom line: Profits, People, Planet.
Crain's will be soliciting nominations of companies, organization and executive leadership in a wide array of categories, such as:
* New or Improved Processes — Reducing energy and/or raw material consumption, zero-waste manufacturing and resource conservation management.
* New Product Creation — Development of new components for alternative energy sources (e.g., parts for windmills and fuel cells).
* Decreased Energy Consumption — Innovations in equipment, physical plant and employee behaviors.
* Supply Chain — Working with suppliers to create energy-efficient logistics, implementing fair trade agreements.
* Land Revitalization — Restoring brownfields to viable business use, restoring habitat.
Judging will be done by a panel of experts from each discipline, applying specific metrics against how well each submission delivers on what we are calling “the triple bottom line” of profits, planet and people. Finalists will be announced in the pages of Crain's and the winners will be feted at an awards event later this year.
For more information or to download a submission form please visit Crain’s Cleveland Business Emerald Awards