Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Diversify Your Marketing Dollars & Unite Your Message

The variety of marketing options available can be overwhelming. From printing and advertising to websites, blogs and social media, it's easy to become beleaguered and question which direction you should take your brand message.

Depending on the audience you are trying to attract the choice can be varied.

So what's the best approach? Diversify. Diversify your marketing dollars and unite your message.

There is no guarantee that one option will serve all your needs, in fact, it's probably more accurate to say that one option will not serve all your needs. According to a columnist, Thaddeus B. Kubis, who frequently writes about converging technologies, "much data has been posted that shows people use three diverse media to gain information and perhaps make a purchase, or a choice. Some data indicates that as many as eight touches are needed, and social media is only one of them."

When you diversify your reach is wider, your potential to attract the various people within your audience is greater. The goal is to stay true to who you are, respect your market and what your brand represents and unify your message with every media option you choose.

At AGC, our goal is to help your brand evolve, remain relevant in this cluttered world of media, and ensure your message remains consistent across all marketing platforms.